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Buttermilk Fried Chicken Air Fryer

Buttermilk fried chicken air fryer that is very easy to make, this time built on a silver crest oil-free air fryer. Your mouth is full of water. Buttermilk Fried chicken air fryer went from acceptable fast food in my youth.

(I remember that my mother bought me boxes to make me happy that I ate with the highest happiness, hot or cold) 

If you’re one of those kids who never wanted their kids to taste buttermilk fried chicken air fryer, let’s say it might be time. Because, honestly, buttermilk fried chicken is frankly perfect.

The combination of crispy outer crust and delicious juicy flesh is hard to beat in the poultry category for children but also for adults.

I have tested several fried chicken recipes over the years. Whenever a major American magazine puts a photo on the cover, I can’t help but buy it.

There are several other good ways to prepare it, and I have several recipes myself. I would say that the basis of success almost always includes a marinade in a buttermilk or buttermilk base or brine.

Ingredients of Buttermilk Fried Chicken Air Fryer

  • 12 chicken drumsticks (while eating fried chicken, chicken breasts)

  • 2 cups (500 ml) Buttermilk

  • 1/2 tsp chili powder

  • 1 tsp smoked paprika

  • 1/3 tsp dry mustard

  • 1 tsp ground curry

  • 1/5 tsp garlic powder

  • 2 tsp salt

Directions of Buttermilk Fried Chicken Air Fryer

Step 1

Place the chicken drumsticks in a deep dish and then distribute all the ingredients for the marinade Leave to marinate for 12 hours in the fridge

Step 2

Preheat a fryer to 350 ° F (we want to cook the chicken at 335 ° F, but since the oil temperature will reduce when the chicken is placed in it, we preheat at a higher temperature)

Step 3

Meanwhile, combine the flour, spices, and salt in a bowl

Step 4

Drain each chicken drumstick lightly then roll them in the flour and spice mixture

Step 5

Place six drumsticks in the fryer then adjust the temperature to 335 ° F (that’s what I was talking about above)

Step 6

Cook for 18 minutes, turning them halfway through cooking

Step 7

Once cooked, place on a plate with absorbent paper

Step 8

Raise the temperature of the fryer to 350 ° F then repeat the operation with the other six chicken drumsticks

Step 9

Serve with your favorite BBQ sauce

Stay Healthier Note

With the rest of the Buttermilk, you can also cook the buttermilk pancakes or the crackers. I recommend that you eat the Buttermilk fried chicken air fryer pieces IMMEDIATELY.

If you use fragments of poultry with the skin, maybe they will stay crispy longer because the surface offers a barrier between the moist flesh and the crust.

If the amount of salt seems exaggerated, you should realize that the bulk of the salt is thrown into the bottom of the marinade/brine and the fresh flour.

What will remain on the meat is minimal compared to commercial recipes.

For more crispy recipes visit us on our site:

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