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Is Ketogenic diet good for diabetes?

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which occurs when you have too much sugar in your blood.

High blood sugar can problems of health issues that start when your body no longer makes enough of a chemical, then you have to take this as outsourcing by injection or my medicine that is called insulin.

In this article, we shall talk about the Keto diet and Diabetics patients.

There are 3 types of diabetes:

  • Type 1 diabetes

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Gestational diabetes

In all three cases, without treatment, the blood sugar level rises.

Type 1 diabetes is more common in young people. It is caused by the destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Type 2 diabetes appears especially in overweight people after 40 years. It is due to a resistance of the body to insulin, this hormone no longer being able to get sugar into the cells.

Gestational diabetes is that occurs only during pregnancy. Women who suffer from it are subsequently at higher risk for type 2 diabetes.

Keto diet and Diabetics is an emerging topic hence explained in this article:

Is Ketogenic Diet Good For Diabetes?

Keto diet and Diabetics

There is a direct relationship between the Keto diet and Diabetics patients. Keto diet for diabetes is the main goal to keep blood sugar levels well-controlled and keto diet has the ability to decrease blood glucose levels and also help you keep your weight balanced and healthy. There is very little available data on the topic of the Keto diet and Diabetics. 

Fish is one of the best healthiest foods on earth. It has a great source of high-quality protein, which helps you feel full and increases your metabolic rate. Fish helps to stay healthier. 

Those having diabetes doesn’t mean they can’t eat fruits. Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in calories and packed full of vitamins, minerals. They also add flavor and variety to every meal. Fruits & vegetables can also help us to protect against heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure & some cancer. It can also help you to keep your digestive system working well. 

The ketogenic diet is inflaming growing interest among people with type 2 diabetes because it would have benefits, among other things, on weight and glycemic control (blood sugar level). It is, however, premature to recommend the adoption of ketogenic food to a diabetic person given the lack of knowledge on its medium and long-term effects. Like other very restrictive diets, the ketogenic diet is difficult to maintain for more than a few months and can lead to overeating in response to deprivation.

The participants were divided into two groups:

  1. The first diabetic patient followed a ketogenic diet (20 to 50 g of carbohydrates per day).
  2. The second is a slightly low-calorie, lipid-lowering, and restricted carbohydrate diet (45 to 50% of caloric intake).

The two groups also had lessons on diet, physical activity to be practiced in parallel as well as on sleep.

Avoiding carbohydrates that raise blood glucose decreases the need for medication to lower it. Using the same dose of insulin, or an oral medication that stimulates insulin production, before starting a low carbohydrate diet can cause hypoglycemia (low blood glucose), which can become dangerous.

When starting this diet you have to control the blood glucose level frequently and adapt (reduce) the medication. Ideally, it should be done with the help of a doctor who is familiar with this style of eating.

If you continue to eat low carb, you may be able to stop using insulin entirely at mealtime. Then you can start reducing your long-acting insulin doses if your blood glucose levels are stable. Some people may stop using insulin altogether if they follow a low carb diet. If you also take pills to manage your diabetes, these are usually not changed until you have reduced your insulin doses as much as possible.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know the required doses in advance. You will need to check your blood sugar level frequently and adapt (reduce) your insulin doses based on the results. These adjustments should be made with the help of a doctor who is familiar with this topic.

Relation of Keto diet and Diabetics Patients

Keep in mind that, as a general rule, it is better to opt for lower insulin doses. If you make a mistake by using too little, your blood glucose goes up, and then you have to take more insulin to lower it; this will be fine. If, on the other hand, you use too large a dose, you run the risk of having low blood glucose levels, which is much more dangerous. You’ll also have to quickly eat or drink some source of fast-acting carbohydrates to raise your blood sugar to safe levels, and that obviously reduces the effect of the low-carb diet.

If you have hypoglycemia regularly, you should consider lowering insulin before cutting down on carbohydrates. Most people with type 1 diabetes are treated with the basal / bolus therapy described above.

Many people use insulin to carbohydrate ratio to measure the insulin dose at mealtime. In this case, it is easy to manage a low carb diet, since you continue to use the same insulin ratio for the carbohydrates you consume. At the rate you are lowering the consumption of carb; you will end up injecting less insulin automatically.

The ketogenic foods would help control type 2 diabetes; In general, it’s about eating less fat and starchy foods with each meal and doing more sports. Recommendations that are not necessarily very effective in controlling blood sugar levels. The ketogenic, low-carbohydrate, and high-fat diet looks promising.

Best keto diet for diabetics

Here is the few best keto diet for diabetics, both types of diabetics; type 1 and type 2.

Leafy green:

Leafy green vegetables are the best nutritious and low in calories and consider good in the relation to the Keto diet and Diabetics.

Fatty fish:

Fatty fish is also one of the healthiest foods on earth.


Cinnamon is a delicious spice with antioxidant activity.


Eggs are providing amazing health benefits. Regular usage of eggs may also reduce your heart disease risk in several ways.

Greek Yogurt:

Greek yogurt is a great dairy choice for diabetic patients.


Nuts are also delicious and nutritious food. All types of nuts which have contained fiber and are low in carbs, although some have more than others.


Broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables for diabetes.

Olive oil:

Olive oil is extremely beneficial for heart health & diabetes. 

Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits for diabetes. It has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and lower fasting blood sugar levels.


Strawberries are one of the best nutritious fruits you can eat.


Garlic is a delicious herb with impressive health benefits for diabetes.


Squash is one of the healthiest vegetables around for both types of season winter & summer.

Take-Home Message from

Uncontrolled diabetes has increased your risk of several serious diseases. However, eating ketogenic foods that help keep blood sugar, insulin, and inflammation under control and also can reduce dramatically your risk of developing complications.

Because the Keto diet and Diabetics patients are interlinked with each other. We tried our best to cover the aspects related to the Keto diet and Diabetics. 

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